Cadenas Partsolutions v8.1.06 Multilanguage 英文正式版(智慧化零部件解決軟體)(DVD版)(3DVD) (此片售價600元)
商品名稱: Cadenas Partsolutions v8.1.06 Multilanguage
商品分類: DVD綜合程式軟體
商品類型: 智慧化零部件解決軟體
語系版本: 英文正式版
運行平台: WIN 9x/WIN ME/WIN NT/WIN 2000/WIN XP/WIN 2003
更新日期: 2008-04-25
熱門標籤: Multilanguage Partsolutions Cadenas
1.Check Shooters dir Readme.txt
SIntelligent Parts Management "Any Information on first Glance"
Intelligent Part Management is a central point of every modern company to
manage components and standard parts. PARTsolutions integrates directly into
your workflow and closes gaps between your processes. By linking the different
data bases of CAD- and ERP-systems you and your staff get any relevant
information to search and find at a glance.
Examples for unique functions of Intelligent Parts Management:
- Geometrical affinity comparison and parts reduction
- Provision of changes within the parts library
- Up-to-dateness-Check of parts
- Provision of every information and search options from different databases
in a central surface
- Detecting of parts/components instead of Searching
- Integration of location specific parts with different material numbers in
a central database
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Panda Antivirus 2007 v2.01.00 Multilanguage Pack 2 英文正式版(防病毒軟體)