RedHat Enterprise Linux ES.4 Update 6 x64 DVD 英文正式版(作業系統軟體)(DVD版)
商品名稱: RedHat Enterprise Linux ES.4 Update 6 x64 DVD
商品分類: DVD綜合程式軟體
商品類型: 作業系統軟體
語系版本: 英文正式版
運行平台: WIN 9x/WIN ME/WIN NT/WIN 2000/WIN XP/WIN 2003
更新日期: 2008-03-30
熱門標籤: 作業系統軟體 Update Linux Enterprise RedHat
Red Hat Enterprise Linux ES 為中小型伺服器而設計。
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4 Update 6 contains more than 1200 components
with development spanning over a two year period, so there are a huge
number of new features covering a broad range of functionality. Red Hat
Enterprise Linux 4 provides CIOs and IT managers with the means to
reduce costs while improving operational flexibility throughout their
computing infrastructure.
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