Photoshop CS3 Sharpening Images DVD 英文正式版(PS CS3 圖像銳利化教程軟體)(DVD版)
商品名稱: Photoshop CS3 Sharpening Images DVD
商品分類: DVD綜合程式軟體
商品類型: PS CS3 圖像銳利化教程軟體
語系版本: 英文正式版
運行平台: WIN 9x/WIN ME/WIN NT/WIN 2000/WIN XP/WIN 2003
更新日期: 2008-03-30
熱門標籤: CS3 圖像銳利化教程軟體 Images Sharpening Photoshop
內容說明: 出品的 Photoshop CS3 圖像銳利化、顯明化教程,講師 Deke McClelland。
教程以完滿圖像為目标,跟隨講師 Deke McClelland,將可以學習到許多圖像的銳利化
、降噪等技術,網羅學習濾鏡的運用。該教程涵蓋 Deke 推薦的最好圖像處理法子,包
Photoshop CS3 Sharpening Images
with: Deke McClelland
Real focus happens inside the camera's lens element. The sharpening
features in Photoshop CS3 exaggerate the contrast along edges in a photograph
to transform a well-focused image into an outstanding image. In Photoshop CS3
Sharpening Images, Deke McClelland teaches a host of sharpening and noise
reduction techniques, including using filters such as Unsharp Mask, Smart
Sharpen, High Pass, and Reduce Noise. The training teaches the essentials
of sharpening, including what it does, why it's important, and how the
filters function. Plus, the training covers Deke's recommended best
practices, including the four distinct varieties of sharpening, which can
be used independently or in combination with each other. Photoshop CS3
Sharpening Images is about how to transform images from looking good to
looking their absolute best. Exercise files accompany the course.
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