
Nemetschek Allplan v2008.0a MULTiLANGUAGE 英文正式版(建築設計軟體)(DVD版)

商品名稱: Nemetschek Allplan v2008.0a MULTiLANGUAGE

商品分類: DVD綜合程式軟體

商品類型: 建築設計軟體

語系版本: 英文正式版

運行平台: WIN 9x/WIN ME/WIN NT/WIN 2000/WIN XP/WIN 2003

更新日期: 2008-03-30

熱門標籤: 建築設計軟體 MULTiLANGUAGE Allplan Nemetschek 


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Nemetschek Allplan是一款用來疾速開發3D建築模型軟體的軟體,它的簡單好用但是功

Allplan 是為建築師和設計者設計的智慧解決。你梗概將你的掃數設計需要依賴於
Allplan,Nemetschek的 Allplan簡單易用,智慧的建築設計軟體,提供了建築物設計和

● 立體圖可產生立,剖面,細部圖,透視,動畫,虛擬實境。
● 可在3D狀態下修改尺寸
● 自動設置裝備擺設梁,柱及尺寸
● 可輸出網路花式與客戶在網路上溝通
● 可做非凡線闆及傢具
● 團隊協作版本讓檔案梗概進行分享,修改與管理的動作
● 自動產生室內四向立面圖
● 保護鎖梗概跨平台支援Mac OS與Windows
● 可將施工進度作成movie檔
● 可將立體圖直接產生分類報表
● 可确立非凡造型圖庫
● 可繪製圓木屋造型
● 浮動設定闆讓工作區域更組織化
● 自訂的工作對話方塊讓許多常用的工具在獨霸上更利便
● 聰白的基座剖面梗概更簡單的提供許多元件,即便是在一個複雜的模組環境中也是一
● 強化圖庫搜尋聽命,讓智慧GDL更繁冗找到.
● 全新的翰墨編輯工具讓獨霸者梗概更疾速與簡單險些立與輸入多種翰墨資訊.
● 獨霸者現在梗概分享自訂的工作環境,提供CAD管理者更有力量的工具來确立和維持

Nemetschek Allplan v2008.0a *MULTiLANGUAGE* (c) Nemetschek AG

Nemetschek offers complete IT solutions especially for building design
professionals. Based on intelligent components, our fully integrated
software solutions offer a single solution whether your emphasis
is on CAD, Statics or TAI systems. Our intuitive, object based solftware
solutions make your planning work more efficient and more competitive so
you can reach your objectives!

Allplan BIM v2008.0a:
Allplan BIM 2008 is an object -oriented 3D planning software package for
Building Information Modeling (BIM). It covers all commonly used design
types, from simple 2D design all the way to virtual building modeling
with integrated quantity take-off and cost calculation. Unlike any other
CAD software, Allplan BIM 2008 symbolizes interdisciplinary planning by
architects, construction engineers, design professionals and facility
managers. In addition to traditional exchange formats, Allplan BIM 2008
supports PDF and IFC, the formats of the future, and thus ensures a
smooth data exchange process among planning partners.

Allplan Sketch v2008.0a:
Allplan Sketch lets you create sketches which you can integrate as
bitmaps in Allplan so that they can be edited. Allplan Sketch allows you
to create drawings to enhance your Allplan presentations. Data can be
exchanged quickly and easily. Allplan Sketch comes with a wide range of
different types of pen which enable intuitive sketching and let you put
your ideas into action. You can quickly create striking freehand
sketches and unique presentations. An Allplan file can serve as the
backdrop for your work or you can draw directly on Allplan data.

Allplan BCM v2008.0a (formerly Allright):
Allplan BCM 2008 is the new name for a new generation of building cost
management software (BCM). The system is based on the previous product,
Allright and offers building cost management, tender, awarding and
invoicing as an integrated solution for planners.

Allplan IBD v2008.0a (ehemals IntelligenteBauDaten IBD) *GERMAN*:
Die fachspezifische Baudatenbank zu Allplan und Allplan BCM.
Allplan IBD sind die ideale Loesung fuer die Nemetschek Planungssoftware
Allplan BIM und Allplan BCM. Diese umfangreiche, fachspezifische
Baudatenbank ist der Schluessel fuer die Anwendung der zukunftsweisenden
Nemetschek Planungsmethode "Design2Cost ? Planen und Entwerfen
nach Kostengesichtspunkten".


Nemetschek Allplan BMI v2008.0c MULTiLANGUAGE ISO 英文正式版(三維建築模型設計)(DVD9版)(此片售價300元)

Nemetschek Allplan BIM v2008.0e MULTiLANGUAGE 英文/法文/義大利文多國語言正式版(建築設計軟體)

Nemetschek Allplan BIM v2008 MULTiLANGUAGE 英語正式版(3D設計軟體)

Nemetschek Allplan V2003.1 14國語言光碟正式版

Nemetschek Allplan BIM v2008 0e 英文正式版(建築師和設計者設計的軟體)

    創作者 食尚玩家巴里島 的頭像

    天龍特攻隊 pps

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