Autodesk discreet Cleaner V5.1 (for Mac OS X) 英文光碟正式版
商品名稱: Autodesk discreet Cleaner V5.1 (for Mac OS X)
商品分類: Autodesk系列程式軟體
商品類型: for Mac OS X
語系版本: 英文光碟正式版
運行平台: for OSX native operation.
更新日期: 2006-02-01
熱門標籤: discreet Autodesk OS Mac Cleaner
Discreet Cleaner 5.1 (for Mac OS X)
cleaner 5 is the industry-standard tool for importing, authoring,
encoding and delivering interactive streaming media using popular
streaming formats, including RealVideo, QuickTime, Windows Media,
as well as MPEG-1 and MPEG-2. Web designers can produce video that
drives web content by adding interactivity to streaming media like
"Buy Me!" links and hot spots.
Interactive authoring with our exclusive EventStream technology
lets you create video that drives web content. Add interactive
features like "Buy Me!" links and hot spots.
The most discriminating professionals can leverage cleaner 5
software's advanced features, while the Settings Wizard shows
beginners how to create crisp, clear streaming video.
No other cross-platform encoding tool provides such a smooth and
easy workflow. Spend more of your time creating - and less trying
to figure out technical details.
Easy Integration
cleaner 5 works with all your favorite web design tools - GoLive,
Macromedia Dreamweaver, Flash and Shockwave. And now, cleaner works
with the latest editing tools like Adobe Premiere, Final Cut Pro,
Avid and Media 100. It is the standard solution for streaming media
on the 網絡.
Grab the 5.1.1 *FREE* Update from
for OSX native operation.
Install app and use this as serial when asked:
Refer here for all info u need:
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